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“Everything happens for a reason”

This is such a common clique in the world we live in today. Many use it to avoid heartache in broken relationship or upset feelings in losing something they had always wanted or once even had. However, I feel that this phrase holds much more truth than that. My senior year I was completey unprepared for all the decisions and the newfound freedom and responsibilites that were about to come to me. I was young and had no idea what I needed to do with my life. I would pray about it but still found no answer.  I randomly chose a school not based on liking it but instead the fact that I really didn’t like any of the other ones I’d applied to. Becuase of this, I eneded up in a small town Clemson, South Carolina, population=Clemson Univeristy. My biggest fear has always been making a wrong decision so when it came to colleges I felt the most pressure I’d ever felt before. Such a life altering decision I just couldn’t decide what to do and even trying to listen to God’s voice I felt that he must not be speaking loud enough or at least not using lightning bolts and thunderstorms to get my attention. Through this year I have grown more than I ever could have if I would have stayed in my comfort zone. Through broken relationships, changing friendships, and the fear of the unknown I have realized that God doesn’t make mistakes, and even when we feel like we have, he is always in control and knows that’s exactly what we were going to do. I now understand that whichever college I would have chosen God would have made it work. However, I can also see that he places us in certain situations for us to learn to rely fully on him. When we feel at the lowest point in our life or the highest point in our life we have to remember that if we stay focused on whats above and life will feel less like a rollercoaster. One thing will lead to another but its important to always remember that we can’t see the bigger picture but God can and everything in your life has and will happen for a reason.