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Hey Amazon team! King Kong here. Just wanted to drop in and give everyone an update on what’s been going on with my leg. As soon as I got off the plane in Indianapolis (about 11:00 a.m.) I went straight to the ER with my dad to meet up with my mom, and to have it looked at. It IS very infected, as we all knew. Luckily, that’s pretty much the only thing wrong. There were a lot of symptoms I could have had, which would lead to bad news, but my case is pretty minor (ha). So I’m sitting here in a hospital bed with an IV in my arm, being pumped full of antibiotics. I am spending the rest of today, the 14th, and tonight here, and I will be leaving in the morning on some prescription meds. So Glory to God! Thank you everyone for all of the prayer, I really appreciate it!

Also, I MISS YOU! It’s so weird being on my own, and not having 22 amazing teenagers and 4 fantastic leaders around me. I love you all a ton, and couldn’t have asked for a better team to spend my summer in the Amazon with.


haha wow I just got choked up on some tears thinkin about you all.



Walk in Love…

11 responses to “I miss you all already!!!”

  1. yay! your getting better!
    i’m praying for you all! i love you all so much!
    i feel like i just left all my family behind! πŸ™ it’s so sad!
    but just remember to keep living out the changes the Lord did in us this month!

    AMAZON!!!! πŸ™‚

  2. Hey Alex! great to hear from you… I’ll keep praying for you… know that I am there in spirit! And I know what you mean about the lonlyness… I mean I have my family… but it’s just not the same as you all… I found a few verses that made me think of you while I was flying back… Luke 17: 19 and Luke 18: 42…. The reason being becasue I believe God will heal you because of your faith! remember Luke 17:6! with Faith like that anything is possible…

    Love ya Alex! Miss ya terribly…

    and I know exactly what you mean bout the tears… I am actually gonna cry I think…

    God Bless! I’ll be praying till you are completly and 10% healed! Keep us posted!

  3. hey bro. dude i miss u man, i miss everybody.its crazy i dont know what to do with myself. im praying for u. im guna go as of now i havnt slept mor than like 4 hours total since we left iquitos. later man , aand team.

  4. hey bro. dude i miss u man, i miss everybody.its crazy i dont know what to do with myself. im praying for u. im guna go as of now i havnt slept mor than like 4 hours total since we left iquitos. later man , aand team.


  6. O my stars, I miss you all like crazy. I hope everything is going well 4 everyone. I’m glad 2 hear your doing ok Alex. I love you all more than you know! Keep in touch.

  7. I’m so glad you are doing better, Alex. πŸ™‚
    I miss and love you all!
    Stay strong and believe strong in everything the Lord has taught us this past month!

  8. When I got to church I broke down. I felt miserable. I wanted to yell 3 nice things to people all night. I think I did at one point. GOD came through. I have a friend that is helping me through this so its all good. I miss all yall guys extreamly much